Sunday, May 22, 2011

Nature's First Green is Gold,

                                                           Her hardest hue to hold.

                                                                       Her early leafs a flower;

                                                                   But only so an hour.

                                                                      Then leaf subsides to leaf.

                                                              So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay.

Poem by Robert Frost
Shirt: Cheap Thrills (now closed):)
Skirt: Urban Outfitters

Thursday, May 19, 2011

An asphyxiating mass of literature

It seemed appropriate on my last day of highschool to take pictures on campus. It was a lovely enough day I suppose. I had a few nice moments, but mostly the overwhelming feel of slowly approaching freedom. Like a small little goldfish in a fishbowl, about to be let free into the ocean. I'm not sure why being let loose from highschool should give me this feeling, but its a nice one. I'm pretty sure I could have done whatever I wanted before and no one would've really cared, but still. I feel like I have more room to grow (I just though of another bad analogy here involving a tree, the sun, and a hot house, but I'll stick with one overly trite cliche for this post). So there you have it. I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeee. To do what, I have know idea. But I hope it's freakin awesome. That said, I'm absoluetly sure highschool was the most glorious, awesome, productive acheivement period of my life and I absolutely savored every second, of course.
Anyways, here are some pictures taken by the lovely stephanie and rachel:

In case anyone is actually reading this and I'm not just talking to myself (which I'm alright with too, actually) the book is On the Road, by Jack Kerouac.

Shoes: I don't even know, some shoe store in Lucca
Jeans: Lucky Brand, zoe skinny
Dress: Nordstroms Rac
Sweater: Target
Flower: Anthropologie

"Our battered suitcases were piled on the sidewalk again; we had longer ways to go. But no matter, the road is life" -Jack Kerouac.
Indeed it is Mr. Kerouac, indeed it is.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Day (Evening?) Downtown

I attended Second Saturday yesterday. I must say, it was quite chilly, but fun. My wonderfully talented friend had her art in a gallery downtown. They were magnificent. and I personally liked hers best, but thats another story. I also found a really cool skirt at a thrift store which I think will look really cool once I shorten it. My friend Dillon found Oh, Inverted World by the Shins on a record. How awesome is that? Overall, it was quite the fun night. Once again, I must thank Justin for the photos.

The last one isn't product placement, I just loved the shot.
Shirt and Shorts: Urban Outfiiters
Shoes: Plaid Vans I found at a thrift store

"Everybody's youth is a dream. A form of chemical madness"
-F. Scott Fitzgerald

Ecstasy of the Mind

So, a couple of weekends ago, the weather was absolutely beautiful. So I decided to go on a picnic with a couple of friends near this pond thing. It was so gorgeous, crisp and sunny. We ate kiwi's! My friend Justin took some lovely pictures of my outfit. He's quite the photographer.

In case you were wondering that headband thing is something I made out of grass by the pond...
Anyways, I wish the weather was this beautiful all the time. We even saw a baby duck!
Cardigan and shirt: Urban Outfitters
Pants: Lucky Brand Jeans

"Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?"
-Frida Kahlo