Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A few of my favorite things.

Yes, I know I have been epically failing at posting. But let me catch you up a bit. The last two weeks I was ravaged by a nasty sinus infection requiring antibiotics, nasal rinses, humidifiers, and being trapped in my bed all day, everyday. The week before that I had my wisdom teeth out, the week before that I was waking up very early to take care of a sick toddler and then staying out late to make use of the time I had left with my best friend who soon left for DC. Then, as you know if you've been keeping up, the weekend before that week was outside lands. So I've been a bit of a busy bee, it would seem. I leave for college in a week and a half so today I started packing. I've been having near anxiety fits over the fact that I might not have enough room for everything. I mean, I'm moving my whole life. It's been lots of organizing, labeling and storing. But, as a break, I thought I'd post about things I love.
Jack Kerouac. Half man, half mystical genius, oh so human.   Became a casualty of the generation he created.
"How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something, but someone" -Coco Chanel
"There is no such thing as part freedom" -Nelson Mandela
The absolute queen of class, poise, and style, Jackie Kennedy Onassis. I love absolutely everything about her. I'm completely obsessed. 

"We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face... we must do that which we think we cannot."
-Eleanor Roosevelt