Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This is the first day of my life

  A lot has happened in the past month. Like, a lot. CCA was such an amazing experience with so many beautiful and talented people and I hated leaving it all behind. The last day was so bittersweet. I was so proud of all the progress and friends and I growth I made, but I knew it would never be like this again. Driving away from cca, I was hit with this overwhelming feeling of ambivalence. It was weird, beacuse I realized that this bittersweet feeling of nostalgia is what a majority of people in my senior class must've felt like at graduation. As opposed to mindnumbing relief and the feeling of finally being able to breathe freely again, which was how I felt. So in a way, I guess I finally got my graduation. It's hard being back in Sacramento, but it makes me happy to know that there are intensely creative people all over the world, just like at cca, and I just need to find them. I guess now, as ridiculously cliche as it is, I can really say I left my heart in San Francisco.

I really didn't take as many pictures as I should have, in fact most of these are stolen:
My final artwork in the gallery (the four in the middle), cca best friends!, vintage dress I wore on the last day, giving myself tattoos with paint and sharpie instead of helping hang gallery stuff (sorry art class), snazzy bracelet the nice people at the ER gave me (split my lip open, needed eight stitches, it wasn't bad, I promise), cca friends cleaning one of the kitchens (except for david, of course), bakery sign in whole foods across from golden gate park, and most of our group of friends taking a picture on the last day.
I hope everyone is havig a wonderful and happy summer, I know I am(:

"What is that feeling when you're driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? - it's the too-huge world vaulting us, and it's good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies."
-Jack Keroauc