Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lady Sings the Blues

I took photos yesterday at Justin's house. They turned out pretty sweet.

Basically spent the day doing laundry and sleeping. Then spent the evening listening to records, eating taco bell, and taking pictures. I'm all packed for my Italy adventures, taking off in one day! I'm pretty excited. Last time I travled I was really too young to soak it all in. Now I want to absorb it like a sponge, pushing the boundaries of my brain out further. They say travel teaches you about yourself. We'll see, I suppose.

lacey shirt: Charlotte Russe
top: Urban Outfitters
pants: Macy's
lipstick: Chanel, Gabrielle

"Hell is yourself and the only redemption is when a person puts himself aside to feel deeply for another person"
-Tennessee Williams